Part 1: Self-Observation, Presence And Getting Into Mental Gym Routine
Part 2: The Mechanics Of Mind
Part 3: Skills To Transform Mind
Part 4: Power Techniques
Part 5: Dealing With Mental Blocks
Part 6: Champion's Routine

Day 40: A Champion’s ‘Pre-Game’ Routine

Hello and welcome to today’s mind master practice. 

So, you’ve reached this point – the final practice which is what should be done before a game. Ideally, it should be done the last time you are alone before a game, about 2 or 3 hours before the game begins. 

The pre-game routine has x steps. 

Step 1: Presence Practice (5 minutes)

Start your pre-game routine with 5 minutes of presence practice. You can choose any of the following techniques for this step. 

  • 5 – 5 – 8 breath
  • Focusing on movement of belly, chest, shoulder with each breath or experiencing breath inside the nose
  • Focusing on the points of contact of body 
  • Focusing on external sounds and then shifting the focus on the sound of breath
  • Inhabit the body – noticing how you experience the body in this moment

Step 2: Inner Leadership Practice (5 minutes)

Do a quick version of the Inner Leadership Practice that was shared in the Champion’s Start of The Day Routine, on Day 39. 

However, for this practice, invite any parts of you that are anxious or worried about the game. 

  • Listen to them, allow them freedom to express their concern. 
  • Acknowledge the concern of that part. 
  • Assure them that you are going to do your best and that it will help if the concern part is relaxed and gives you more space to focus and be present. 
  • Finally, ask any part of you that is not willing to relax to step back in the ‘emotional waiting room’ (explored Day 27 Mind Mastery Practice).

Step 3: Spend about a minute on each of the ‘Reminder Cards’

Not having a skill that can save you in crucial moment is already bad. What is worse is, having the skill and not remembering it when you need it the most.

That’s why, the following cards are designed to bring back the memory of all the practices, skills and knowledge you have acquired during this 40 days program.

Simply reading each of these cards and spending just a minute reflecting on them will ensure that you remember the right technique and tool at the right moment. 

If you want a high-quality printable version of these flash cards, then please write in the comment box ‘I want flash cards’. You will receive them in the email.

End Of Program, Beginning Of A Journey

With today’s practice we are ending this program. But you are brining a new journey. A journey that will continue for the rest of your life. 

I hope you have learned something from this program that will help you to be a better player and a better human being. I also hope you have discovered some tools that can help you to be the master of your mind in the most difficult situations, when you need to be in control and focused. But most of all, I hope you had some fun and interesting discoveries about yourself during this program and have expanded your vision and confidence to achieve new goals. 

This 40 days program is like learning to swim in the safe waters of swimming pool. You learn to stay afloat, you learn to bounce back, you learn the basic skills. But then, once you have learned these skills, it is you who has to swim through the ocean of life and its challenges. 

You are an athlete and you have a body that is stronger than 90% of the people on this planet. But don’t forget that it is because you spend many hours every day working on your body. 

To have a strong, clear and focused mind, all I ask you to do is spend at leat 20 minutes everyday in the mental gym. 

Don’t forget. In the end, you are a master of that which you do everyday. 

Good Luck!

– Dhruv Mehta, your Mind Mastery Guide

You can always reach out to me for personal sessions or a personal transformation program to work on your specific issues. Contact Deimantas Baziukas to get in touch with me.

By the way guys, once you click on ‘Mark Complete’ on this practice, you can download the certificate of participation! Grab it.