Part 1: Self-Observation, Presence And Getting Into Mental Gym Routine
Part 2: The Mechanics Of Mind
Part 3: Skills To Transform Mind
Part 4: Power Techniques
Part 5: Dealing With Mental Blocks
Part 6: Champion's Routine

Day 38: A Champion’s ‘End Of The Day’ Routine

Hello and welcome to today’s mind mastery practice. 

We are entering the final phase, last three days of this program. 

Until now, you have learned basic presence skills, basic mind transformation skills and also worked on some of the common blocks experienced by professional athletes. 

These last three days are special. They are special because in these days, you will be introduced to what I call A champion’s routine. 

The Power Of Routine

You are a master of that which you do everyday.

What is it that you do everyday?

Aren’t you better in your game compared to most other people on the planet?

And is it not because you practice your game, you train your skills, almost every single day?

Routine is what makes a champion a champion. Consistency is the key to mastery. And therefore, if you want to be a champion, you got have your own routine.

Challenge: The practices of Day 38, 39 and 40 should be part of your daily routine. I invite every participant do these routines, every single day for the next 40 days to see the changes in you, and if you don’t see noticeable positive changes in you, you can claim a full refund of the money you paid for this program. That’s how confident I am about the power of these routines. And ideally, they should be part of your everyday life, not just 40 days.

The End Of The Day Routine

Today’s practice is champion’s end of the day routine.

Today’s practice is divided into three parts. 

Step 1: This step is for about 10 minutes while sitting with closed eyes. 

Step 2: This step is about 5 minutes with open eyes while you make some notes.

Step 3: Guided Practice while you are in bed, the last thing before you sleep…which is a guided practice for about 14 minutes. 

IMPORTANT: You don’t have to do all the steps together. You can do step 1, then do some other activity. Then step 2, and then some other activities and finally step 3 just before you sleep. It is important to do all 3 steps, but they can be done separately during an evening.

Step 1: Digesting The Day’s Experiences

For this practice, sit relaxed, yet alert. 

Here is a list of some questions. Read each question, then close your eyes and let the answer come from within. 

  1. From all the different experiences I had today, which was the most challenging experience of the day and why?
  2. What emotions I experienced during that challenging experience? (Now close eyes and allow yourself to fully experience those emotions in your body-mind…how do they feel…how do you experience them in your body-mind…where in body-mind… keep focusing on them for a couple of minutes until their intensity become lesser. )
  3. What do I learn about myself, the world and life from today’s challenging experience?
  4. What one or two new things I learned today? (It could be new knowledge, some new information, new skill, new technique or just a new insight about life, health, body, mind, how the world works, business, study or anything.)
  5. What is one thing that I handled better today than before? (Maybe you handled your emotional reaction better, maybe you were more conscious in your communication with someone, or you just made an amazing move, shot, kick or save in your game.)
  6. If I could do something better than what I did today, what it is and how would I like to do it better next time?
  7. Do I need to apologise to someone or to myself because I acted in a way that hurt them? If so, when am I gong to do that?
  8. Am I ashamed of anything I did today? How does the experience of shame feels like? What is the message my from that shame?
  9. Am I ready to digest today’s experiences, learn from them, keep what is important and let go of what is not important?

After getting answers to each of these questions, finally, close your eyes for about a minute and tell your mind…

Is there anything you want me to know about today? Whatever it is, this is the time. I am listening. 

Then be alert and listen. If nothing comes up, it is fine. If something comes up, thank your mind. 

Now you can move to step 2

Step 2: Create A Better Tomorrow

A lot of stress is unnecessary because it is not caused by situations but by our unpreparedness. Some simple planning and logistics can help us avoid stress and instead, help us focus our energies for more productive things. 

Peak performers in any field – be it sports, arts, business or from any other areas, they have more or less clear idea of how they want to use their energies next day. 

Therefore this part of the routine is not only important but inevitable. 

For this process, initially I recommend to sit with pen and paper / notebook. 

Note down the answers to these questions on a piece of paper, in a diary or on a document in your phone or computer. 

  1. What are three most important things I want to accomplish tomorrow?
  2. Then schedule those three things – as if you are scheduling appointments to an important meeting. 
  3. What is the best way I can spend my morning tomorrow? Doing what? How? Where? With whom?
  4. What is the best way I can spend my midday and afternoon tomorrow? Doing what? How? Where? With whom?
  5. What is the best way I can spend my evening and night tomorrow? Doing what? How? Where? With whom?
  6. What are some of the things I must avoid tomorrow to make sure I am on track?
  7. In general, how do I want my day to be tomorrow and what can I do to ensure that my day goes as I want it to?

With this step done, you’re ready for the final step that can be done whenever you are ready to sleep. 

*** If you want to use a pdf worksheet for this practice, which you can print and fill in your answers, then write in the comment’s section ‘I want the worksheet’. You will receive the worksheet in your email. 

Step 3: Guided Practice 

Remember, this is the last thing you do before sleep…it is even possible that you might enter sleep while doing this practice. So go and complete anything else if you haven’t yet that you need to do.